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The Long Range Facility Master Plan captures an understanding of existing conditions, a desired vision for the way in which facilities are intended to support educational outcomes, the projects needed to achieve that vision, and a plan for implementing the building program over the long-term.  
As projects are developed over time, the FMP should be revisited and updated so that it reflects the changing needs of the District. This update process is recommended by the California Department of Education every 3 to 5 years. 



To start the master plan, the planning team conducts a thorough review of all the available data. This includes an evaluation of the facility's history as well as a detailed analysis of the past and projected enrollment figures. By doing this, the team can better understand the quality of space required to support the District's student population.


Condition assessments provide a snapshot of existing conditions. Assessment teams evaluate the condition of building exteriors, roofs, mechanical systems, electrical systems, plumbing systems, building interiors, and site elements to understand the remaining useful life of these systems and provide a level of priority and need. 



Visioning aligns facilities with educational outcomes. In-depth visioning sessions with District leadership guide the master plan in developing a program of spaces across school sites that support educational pedagogy and facility equity.  


Individual site master plans provide a visual representation of proposed scopes of work. It is important to note that the individual site master plan is not a design, but rather a plan for future improvement of the District’s facilities infrastructure in support of the educational program goals. The plan shows a general path for ho to get to the goal, but it does not provide specific design solutions. As projects move forward, design teams (architects and engineers) will plan individual aspects of the projects recommended in the FMP. 



Budget level cost estimates are developed for each of the proposed projects. These are an estimation of costs based on average costs for the proposed scopes of work. As projects are further defined in scope and detail, more precise cost estimates can be determined. The budget data set developed as part of this plan can be utilized as a planning tool to run program phasing scenarios as funding becomes available. 

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