As part of the in-person community engagement sessions held in April of 2024, the planning team solicited direct input on project priorities from participants. Participants were asked to share their values, rank priorities, and share new ideas which informed more detailed discussions.
Big Idea Priorities
The planning team shared some “big ideas” which reflected project ideas developed by other stakeholder groups, and asked the community to provide priority ratings for each. Participants’ top priorities for these big ideas included safety and security projects, general modernization, infrastructure and code compliance, student support spaces, and nutrition services. This reflects a consensus across all stakeholder groups that facilities within the district have a need for basic upgrades and operations support.
Implementation Plan
Participants were asked about their preferred method of implementation of the plan and presented with 3 options.
Overwhelmingly, participants preferred the Needs-Based Project implementation method, with many sharing that creating parity across campuses should be a top priority.
Further discussion and open ended questions reveled that the community would also like to include consideration for athletic projects and outdoor learning spaces. Additionally, the community expressed an appreciation of and desire for ongoing communication with the public about the facility master plan and its long-term implementation.
For anyone who missed the in-person meetings, the facility priority survey is now open and can be completed HERE Your feedback is appreciated.